Commercial Services


Maintenance & Install

Are you in need of commercial lawn maintenance or an install?

If so, we can help!

At The Govert Group, we can handle all things maintenance and install. For commercial priorities, this includes lawn maintenance, landscape install, irrigation install/maintenance, and more! Not only do we handle commercial properties, but we are also capable of taking over the maintenance for HOA’s.


Snow Removal

Most commercial businesses get this service!

In the winter in Knoxville, the weather is well…unpredictable. While we do not get a lot of snow, what we do typically get is snow/ice. We highly recommend commercial properties elect for this service in their yearly contract. We will take care of the entrance way/parking lot/ramps and more BEFORE your company opens up for business that day!

It is all about preventative measures with snow removal. You most certainly do not want a slip & fall case on your hands. Sign up today!